Si está interesado en convertirse en ciudadano de los Estados Unidos, podemos ayudarlo a presentar su solicitud para hacer realidad su sueño. Para hacerlo, debe cumplir con los siguientes requisitos: debe tener al menos 18 años de edad, haber sido residente permanente legal durante al menos cinco años, haber residido continuamente en los Estados Unidos durante al menos tres años y poder demostrar un conocimiento del idioma inglés, así como un conocimiento y comprensión de la historia y los principios del gobierno de los Estados Unidos
NOTA: Aconsejamos a todos los solicitantes que hayan tenido experiencia previa con el sistema de justicia penal, incluidas condenas o arrestos anteriores, que consulten a un abogado de inmigración experto antes de enviar una solicitud de naturalización a través de USCIS; esto es para evaluar si dichos incidentes podrían tener un impacto. en su admisión de inmigración
Los siguientes solicitantes no están obligados a demostrar la capacidad de leer, escribir o hablar inglés:
Un Residente Permanente que, al momento de presentar la solicitud, tenga más de 50 años y haya sido titular de la Tarjeta Verde durante al menos 20 años;
Un Residente Permanente que, al momento de presentar la solicitud, sea mayor de 55 años y haya sido titular de la Tarjeta Verde durante al menos 15 años; y
Un residente permanente que, al momento de presentar la solicitud, tiene 65 años de edad o más y ha vivido en los Estados Unidos como residente permanente legal por períodos que totalizan al menos 20 años.
Si alguna de las circunstancias mencionadas se aplica a usted, infórmele a uno de nuestros manejadores de documentos para que USCIS sea notificado de manera oportuna.
Para ser elegible para presentar una solicitud, el patrocinador debe cumplir con ciertos criterios y poder demostrar que es ciudadano o nacional de los EE. UU.; o un residente legal permanente/temporal; un no inmigrante con estatus legal; alguien a quien se le otorgó asilado, refugiado, libertad condicional humanitaria o titular de Estatus Tecnológico Temporal (TPS); individuos estratificados bajo Acción Diferida/Salida Forzosa Diferida.
Los solicitantes de Parole Humanitario de Cuba, Haití, Nicaragua y Venezuela deben demostrar que ellos, o su familiar directo, son nacionales de uno de los cuatro países y actualmente se encuentran en el extranjero. Los miembros de la familia inmediata incluyen al cónyuge (o compañero de vida), así como a los hijos menores solteros menores de 21 años; los hermanos menores de 18 años deben viajar junto con sus padres o un tutor.
Paso 1: Apoyo Financiero
A U.S.-based sponsor must complete Form I-134A, which is the Online Request to be a Supporter and Declaration of Financial Support, via the myUSCIS web portal in order to commence the petition. The completed document accounts for both of the intended beneficiaries and their sponsors establishes financial support credentials that will be evaluated by USCIS. Each beneficiary included on it - including immediate family members and relatives that are minor - must have its own associated form concluded. In deliberations prior to any decision being established.
Step 2: Submit Biographic Information
Once USCIS approve a sponsor, the potential beneficiary will be sent an email containing guidance on how to set up a myUSCIS online account as well as directions of additional actions. They must then attest through their online account that they fulfill the qualification standards - notably, those aiming to visit America must verify their health fulfills necessary medical prerequisites which include certain vaccine demands.
Step 3: Submit Request in CBP One Mobile Application
In the third step, individuals approved for a visa must submit a request in the CBP One mobile application. Using their myUSCIS account, they have to verify the personal details and certify they fulfil eligibility criteria; upon validation, instructions on how to access the CBP One app - with an integrated photographic - will be emailed/shown.
Step 4: Advance Travel Authorization to the United States
Once process three has been successfully finished, the applicant will receive a notification into their account that informs them if Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will dimensionally grant them the authorization to go the United States for individualistic consideration about granting parole. This license is good for 90 days if ratified, so they must acquire their own methods of air transit. Although being approved for passing ahead of time does not insure admission or parole upon arrival at a US port of entrance, CBP can choose to provide parole
Step 5: Seeking Parole at the Port of Entry
When someone arrives at a port entry, they will be inspected by of CBP and will considered individually for an authorization of discretional parole. As part of the exams, more screening and vetting is conducted with supplementary biometric fingerprinting vetting as sourced from the CBP inspective process. Those identified to bring risk to safety or security or no aptitude to accept paragraph as per examination, may be mandated under passing measure supported by U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Step 6: Parole
Paroled individuals coming to the US under these processes are considered to stay up to two years depending on their verifications and health checkup, It is allowable for them to make an application for employment authorization by submitting a Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, which could be done either through online or post procedure.
Beneficiaries are not allowed to file the paperwork for these processes themselves. Someone in the United States must first turn in Form I-134A to USCIS, including various details about the beneficiary and contact information such as their email address. Upon deeming that the form is appropriate, USCIS will then notify the beneficiary on how to proceed with their possible travel authorization or parole assessment at an airport entry.
Those who have been given their travel authorization should book a flight to their final destination in the US. After landing, they will be checked by Customs and Border Patriol (CBP). Fingerprints may be taken for additional security measures and then assessments for a discretionary grant of parole would be undertaken. Those travelling by land ports of entry will not usually receive parole through this experience and access is normally denied.
Our team has had the privilege of allowing more than a few people to reunite with their loved ones under humanitarian parole. Don't miss out on the potential realization of your longing.
© 2023
Step 1: Financial Support
A U.S.-based sponsor must complete Form I-134A, which is the Online Request to be a Supporter and Declaration of Financial Support, via the myUSCIS web portal in order to commence the petition. The completed document accounts for both of the intended beneficiaries and their sponsors establishes financial support credentials that will be evaluated by USCIS. Each beneficiary included on it - including immediate family members and relatives that are minor - must have its own associated form concluded. In deliberations prior to any decision being established.
Step 2: Submit Biographic Information
Once USCIS approve a sponsor, the potential beneficiary will be sent an email containing guidance on how to set up a myUSCIS online account as well as directions of additional actions. They must then attest through their online account that they fulfill the qualification standards - notably, those aiming to visit America must verify their health fulfills necessary medical prerequisites which include certain vaccine demands.
Step 3: Submit Request in CBP One Mobile Application
In the third step, individuals approved for a visa must submit a request in the CBP One mobile application. Using their myUSCIS account, they have to verify the personal details and certify they fulfil eligibility criteria; upon validation, instructions on how to access the CBP One app - with an integrated photographic - will be emailed/shown.
Step 4: Advance Travel Authorization to the United States
Once process three has been successfully finished, the applicant will receive a notification into their account that informs them if Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will dimensionally grant them the authorization to go the United States for individualistic consideration about granting parole. This license is good for 90 days if ratified, so they must acquire their own methods of air transit. Although being approved for passing ahead of time does not insure admission or parole upon arrival at a US port of entrance, CBP can choose to provide parole
Step 5: Seeking Parole at the Port of Entry
When someone arrives at a port entry, they will be inspected by of CBP and will considered individually for an authorization of discretional parole. As part of the exams, more screening and vetting is conducted with supplementary biometric fingerprinting vetting as sourced from the CBP inspective process. Those identified to bring risk to safety or security or no aptitude to accept paragraph as per examination, may be mandated under passing measure supported by U.S Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Step 6: Parole
Paroled individuals coming to the US under these processes are considered to stay up to two years depending on their verifications and health checkup, It is allowable for them to make an application for employment authorization by submitting a Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, which could be done either through online or post procedure.
Beneficiaries are not allowed to file the paperwork for these processes themselves. Someone in the United States must first turn in Form I-134A to USCIS, including various details about the beneficiary and contact information such as their email address. Upon deeming that the form is appropriate, USCIS will then notify the beneficiary on how to proceed with their possible travel authorization or parole assessment at an airport entry.
Those who have been given their travel authorization should book a flight to their final destination in the US. After landing, they will be checked by Customs and Border Patriol (CBP). Fingerprints may be taken for additional security measures and then assessments for a discretionary grant of parole would be undertaken. Those travelling by land ports of entry will not usually receive parole through this experience and access is normally denied.
Our team has had the privilege of allowing more than a few people to reunite with their loved ones under humanitarian parole. Don't miss out on the potential realization of your longing.